
Temtem chart
Temtem chart

temtem chart

See also The Dark Tower Clocks in at a Brisk 95 Minutes Finally, if the Temtem in question is very effective against one type of the opposing Temtem, but weak against the opposing Temtem’s other type, then the resulting power of the attack will instead be neutralized, and result with normal damage. If the move is ineffective against both types, however, it would only do one quarter of the normal damage, and result in a very ineffective attack. For example, if a technique would be very effective against both types of a Temtem, then the damage following the use of that technique would multiply substantially by four times. When a Temtem belongs to two types, both of the types must be taken into consideration when it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of an attack. It gets complicated, however, when the Temtem in question belongs to two types. If the match-up is unfavorable to the player, then the creature will only do half damage. If there is no advantage in the match-up, it is considered a neutral hit, which will do normal damage. If the match-up is favorable for a player’s given Temtem, then the attack will do double damage. As noted above, Temtem will match strongly against some and weaker against others, dependent entirely on the types in question. Advantages and Disadvantagesįrom the very beginning of the game, the Temtem that players start with will belong to a type. The 12 types of Temtem include: Neutral, Fire, Water, Nature, Electric, Earth, Mental, Melee, Toxic, Digital, Wind, and Crystal.

temtem chart temtem chart

Meanwhile, the type of a technique can determine how effective a Temtem is against another type of Temtem. Most of all, it will determine how much damage it will give and receive from another specific type. The type of any given Temtem will certainly show in its design. See also Rare Copy of Marvel Comics No1 Sells for $24 Million at Auction The techniques of Temtem, however, can only have up to one type. Each and every Temtem can possess up to two types. The strengths and weaknesses associated with each type will typically come down to the match-up in question. Type can be influenced by things like breeding, for example, but any Temtem caught in the wild will belong to a type. The TypesĮvery Temtem belongs to a specific type, which will define and determine their techniques and properties. And while Temtem may possess many features similar to any installment of the Pokemon franchise, the intricacies and various complexities of types still warrant a second look. Mastery of these creatures and their respective strengths and weaknesses will be essential for anyone interested in conquering the world of Temtem. The advantages and disadvantages associated with each Temtem are wide ranging. Similar to Pokemon, Temtem takes place in a world that is populated with a wide-array of creatures, and each belongs to its respective “type.” These types are often related to the elements found in nature, and as such they come with their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. You Are Reading : Temtem Type Chart Explains Advantages and DisadvantagesĪs of January 21, early access has begun for the popular Pokemon-like MMO Temtem. Its early access time for Temtem, and already players of the Pokemon-like MMO are eager to learn more about the diverse creatures at their disposal. Temtem Type Chart Explains Advantages and Disadvantages.Temtem Tempedia: Every currently available Temtem listedīelow you’ll find all of the Temtem in the Tempedia as of September 2022, along with their typing and evolution method: No. Some Temtem need you to meet a special requirement to activate their evolution, such as being in a specific location, having a specific trait or being traded with another player.

temtem chart

When it comes to evolution, it’s important to note that most Temtem which have this ability will do so after levelling up a specific number of times rather than when it reaches, or is above, a certain level. Remember to check out our Temtem type chart, so you can create your ideal party! This includes the three starter Temtem and Luma Temtem, which are creatures with different coloration compared to the traditional Temtem style (think shiny Pokémon). Since Temtem is an MMO, it’s not hard to imagine more Temtem being added in the future! There are 164 Temtems to tame in Temtem as of the 1.0 patch. Watch on YouTube Temtem - 1.0 Release Date Trailer | Humble Games How many Temtem are there?

Temtem chart